Perky and Proud: Your Go-To Guide for Inverted Nipple Repair in Denver with Dr. Adam Levy

Inverted Nipple Repair

 Inverted nipples can cause embarrassment and self-consciousness for those who have them, but the good news is that there is a surgical solution available. Inverted nipple surgery, also known as inverted nipple correction or inversion nipple repair, is a procedure that can effectively address this common concern. During the surgery, the nipple is carefully transformed to project outward instead of being retracted. This procedure can be performed under local or general anesthesia, depending on the patient’s preference and the extent of the correction needed. The recovery time is relatively short, and patients can typically resume normal activities within a few days.

Inverted nipple surgery is often sought after by individuals who experience discomfort, difficulty breastfeeding, or dissatisfaction with the appearance of their nipples. Whether for cosmetic or functional reasons, this procedure can provide a solution for those looking to enhance their self-confidence and quality of life. If you are considering inverted nipple surgery, it is important to consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon to discuss your options and determine the best course of treatment for your unique needs. 

What is Inverted Nipple Repair?

 Today, we're shedding light on a topic that often goes unnoticed—literally! Inverted nipple correction is a transformative procedure that addresses the common condition of inverted nipples. Dr. Adam Levy, your go-to plastic surgeon in Denver, is here to guide you through this delightful journey to perkier, more confident you!

Understanding Inverted Nipples

First things first, what exactly are inverted nipples? Well, they're exactly what they sound like—nipples that point inward instead of outward. While inverted nipples are usually harmless, they can impact one's self-esteem and even make breastfeeding a bit trickier. Whether your nipples have been inverted from the get-go or developed over time, Dr. Levy has the expertise to help you embrace a more outward-looking future!

Grades of Nipple Inversion

There are 3 different types of inverted nipples.

  • Grade 1 are slightly inward, but can still be stimulated and pulled out.

  • Grade 2 inverts more significantly and may need a little help to become erect.

  • Grade 3 nipples are completely inverted and unable to be drawn out at all without intervention.  

Nipple Inversion Correction Techniques

Now, let's get technical. Dr. Adam Levy employs a variety of techniques to correct inverted nipples. The approach depends on the severity of the inversion and the unique anatomy of each patient. From releasing tight ducts to reshaping the nipple, Dr. Levy's skilled hands ensure a natural and aesthetically pleasing outcome. The goal? Nipples that stand tall and proud!

What Will Happen During Your Surgery

Curious about the big day? Rest assured, the procedure is a simple in-office or outpatient procedure. Typically, a local anesthetic is applied to the nipple area and then Dr. Levy performs one or multiple techniques to correct the inversion. Many patients also opt for additional procedures such as breast augmentation, fat transfer, or other treatments during their surgery to optimize results.

The inverted nipple procedure typically involves a small incision at the base of the nipple and the release of constricted tissue, allowing your nipples to finally make their grand debut! Sometimes a small piece of your own tissue, fat or other material are placed at the base to help keep the corrected nipple from retracting. The incision is then closed with sutures to ensure the nipple remains in its new, elevated position. It's important to note that results may vary depending on the severity of your inverted nipples and your body's response to the procedure.

Nipple Surgery Recovery

Post-op, you'll be on the fast track to recovery. While some swelling and mild discomfort are normal, Dr. Levy will provide you with postoperative instructions to make your healing journey smooth. Most patients are back to their regular routine and return to work within a week, armed with newfound confidence and perky nipples! 

It's important that you wear the support garments as recommended to ensure proper healing. Additionally, you may need to avoid strenuous activity or heavy lifting for a week or two after surgery. But with a little patience and rest, soon enough, you'll be on your way to embracing the new you! 

The Results

The final result after surgical correction is typically visible after 1 to 2 weeks, when the swelling has gone down. The size and shape of your nipples will be more symmetrical and prominent than before. 

Dr. Levy's specialized techniques ensure that scarring is minimal and well-hidden on the underside of the nipple, reducing visibility while not interfering with sensation or breastfeeding capabilities. You can expect to look great, feel confident, and achieve a more natural shape. 

Ideal Candidates

Wondering if inverted nipple correction is right for you? If inverted nipples are causing you physical or emotional discomfort, you're an ideal candidate. Dr. Levy will assess your individual case during a consultation to ensure the best course of action tailored just for you.

Complementary Procedures

Why stop at just one enhancement? For those looking to enhance their overall breast aesthetics, consider complementing your inverted nipple repair with procedures like areola reduction or breast reduction. Dr. Levy's expertise extends beyond nipple correction, ensuring your entire breast area achieves a harmonious and balanced appearance.

Why Choose Board Certified Plastic Surgeon Adam Levy?

Choosing a plastic surgeon is a big decision, and Dr. Adam Levy stands out for all the right reasons. As a board-certified plastic surgeon with a wealth of experience, Dr. Levy combines skill and artistry to deliver results that exceed expectations. His warm and approachable demeanor ensures you feel comfortable throughout your transformative journey.

Schedule a Consultation

Ready to learn more about inverted nipple repair and other breast enhancement procedures? Schedule a private consultation with Dr. Levy today! Together, you can explore the possibilities and determine the best course of action to help you achieve your desired look. Contact our office today to get started! 

References for further reading:

  1. Olivas-Menayo J, Berniz C. Inverted Nipple Correction Techniques: An Algorithm Based on Scientific Evidence, Patients' Expectations and Potential Complications. Aesthetic Plast Surg. 2021 Apr;45(2):472-480. doi: 10.1007/s00266-020-01909-6. Epub 2020 Aug 4. PMID: 32754835.

  2. Pitanguy I. Inverted nipple. Aesthetic Plast Surg. 1978 Dec;2(1):53-64. doi: 10.1007/BF01577939. PMID: 24173834.

  3. Mangialardi ML, Baldelli I, Salgarello M, Raposio E. Surgical Correction of Inverted Nipples. Plast Reconstr Surg Glob Open. 2020 Jul 27;8(7):e2971. doi: 10.1097/GOX.0000000000002971. PMID: 32802664; PMCID: PMC7413770.


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